Geopolitical and Social Significance of the Magna Graecia Development – From Yesterday to Today (part C)
Recently, the participation of the University of Magna Graecia (Catanzaro) in the first National University Day, following the invitation of the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI), was significant. The “Unveiled Universities” initiative, funded by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research, was a contemporary opportunity to share the scientific and cultural heritage produced by the academic community for the service of society and the entire territory.
The CRUI accepted the request to establish National Universities Day on 20 March 2024 to coincide with International Day of Happiness and within Minerva Week, a period dedicated to the celebration of knowledge, science and education. The conferences, workshops and guided tours at the University of Magna Graecia were intended to reveal the life that takes place every day in the halls of the University, in order to create a strong connection with the rest of the territory. The day’s program ended at 15:00 at the San Giovanni Memorial Complex, with an event that had the characteristic title: From the beginnings of Magna Graecia, to the future of Magna Graecia (Giornata Nazionale delle Università – ‘UMG SVELATA). Experts and professors met within the scientific community and with the historical, naturalistic excursion that described the beautiful peculiarities of the local culture, i.e. the culture of Magna Graecia, with the scientific, social and geopolitical eye directed to the future, and the aim of developing new strategic programs for the University of Magna Graecia in Catanzaro.
“UMG Svelata”, l’Ateneo di Catanzaro aderisce alla prima Giornata Nazionale delle Università
L’Università Magna Graecia aderisce alla prima Giornata Nazionale delle Università su invito della Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane (CRUI). L’iniziativa “Università svelate”, patrocinata dal Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, rappresenta un’occasione straordinaria per condividere il patrimonio scientifico e culturale che la comunità accademica produce a servizio della società e del territorio. La CRUI ha deliberato la richiesta di istituire la Giornata Nazionale delle Università il 20 marzo in coincidenza con la Giornata Internazionale della Felicità e all’interno della Settimana della Minerva, un periodo dedicato alla celebrazione del sapere e dell’istruzione.